The Ticket to Work Program is designed to help Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients return to work without immediately losing their benefits. But how long can you stay in the program?
This FAQ article will answer common questions about the duration of the Ticket to Work Program, including eligibility periods, key work incentives, and what happens if you stop participating.
1. Is there a time limit for how long I can stay in the Ticket to Work Program?
Yes, but it depends on your progress. As long as you are actively making progress toward financial independence, you can stay in the program. You will develop SMART goals to help you transition to work. For our Employment Network, you will need to make timely progress in achieving your Short-Term goals within 3-12 months; and make a transition to full-time work within 12 months – 24 months.
2. What does “making timely progress” mean?
To remain in the Ticket to Work Program, the Social Security Administration (SSA) requires participants to show they are:
- Working toward a goal of financial independence
- Increasing their work hours or earnings over time
- Completing training, education, or vocational programs that are reasonable and appropriate.
For example, if you cannot work with the public due to your medical conditions, but want to complete a 4 year Bachelors Degree and upon graduation would have the same medical conditions and same limitations of not working with the public; then that goal is not appropriate. In this scenario we would recommend you identify another goal or consult with your medical professionals to seek additional treatment before pursuing this type of goal.
3. What happens after the Trial Work Period (TWP)?
The Ticket to Work Program allows you to test your ability to work through several stages, including:
Trial Work Period (TWP) – 9 Months
- You can work and earn any amount without losing your eligibility for your SSDI benefits.
- A TWP lasts nine months (within a rolling 60-month period).
- Months do not need to be consecutive.
Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE) – 36 Months
- After the TWP, you can continue to work full-time and your cash benefits will "stop" or be suspended, but not terminated. Your cash benefits can be reinstated by the SSA Field Office at any time during the following three (3) years or thirty-six (36) months.
Expedited Reinstatement (EXR) – 5 Years
- After your cash benefits are suspended, your can have your benefits reinstated during the next five (5) years or sixty (60) months if you are unable to work due to your disabling medical impairment. You can request SSDI benefits be reinstated within five years without submitting a new applicaiton for disability. The SSA Field Office will issue provisional benefits while they are re-instating your cash benefits.
4. Can I stay in the program even if I earn enough to stop receiving SSDI?
Yes! If your SSDI benefits are suspended while working with us, we will continue to provide ongoing support services to help you maintain your employment and increase your earnings ongoing while your ticket to work is assigned!
5. What happens if I stop working?
Your cash benefits can be reinstated due to Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE) within three (3) years or thirty-six (36) months; and if you stop working due to your medical conditions worsening, you may be eligible for Expedited Reinstatement (EXR) within five (5) years or sixty (60) months. This allows you to restart your SSDI benefits without having to re-apply for benefits with a new application.
6. Can I leave the Ticket to Work Program and rejoin later?
Yes, you can leave and rejoin the program as long as you still qualify for SSDI or SSI and haven’t reached full retirement age. However, if you previously lost protection from Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs) due to not making progress, SSA may conduct a medical review before approving your return.
7. Can I stay in the Ticket to Work Program if I receive SSI instead of SSDI?
Yes! SSI recipients can also participate in Ticket to Work. However, SSI rules are different from SSDI rules:
- Instead of a Trial Work Period (TWP), SSI recipients gradually lose benefits as earnings increase due to the earned income exclusions.
- If you leave the program due to work and later need SSI benefits again, you may qualify for SSI reinstatement under special rules.