Benefits of Social Security disability application help

Applying for Social Security disability programs like Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is no small feat. From the mountain of paperwork to the long waits and high chances of denial, getting the benefits you deserve can be daunting. Fortunately, you don’t have to face this challenging journey alone.

Working with a Social Security Administration-approved Employment Network (EN) like Disability Services of America can provide the guidance and support you need to navigate the Social Security disability application process with confidence. Our professionals understand the SSI and SSDI applications and help clients nationwide present the strongest possible case for benefits approval.

Don’t let seemingly small application mistakes delay or derail your disability claim. Keep reading to discover how our assistance can make a meaningful difference in your journey to benefits. 

Understanding the Value of Professional Application Support 

Getting professional help with your Social Security disability application offers several significant advantages over doing it alone. Our experienced disability advocates understand precisely what information the Social Security Administration (SSA) needs to evaluate your claim. We can help you gather comprehensive medical documentation, explain your condition’s impact on your ability to work, and ensure the accuracy and completion of forms--this is essential, as mistakes in the application paperwork are one of the most common reasons for SSI and SSDI denials.

Professional assistance also helps reduce the stress and uncertainty of applying for disability benefits. Instead of trying to interpret complex government terminology and requirements on your own, you have an experienced guide leading you through each step. This support lets you focus on your health while knowing your application is handled correctly.

Working with our Employment Network (EN) also gives you access to valuable insights into the evaluation and approval process. We explain what medical evidence will best support your claim, help you understand how the SSA evaluates disability, and prepare you for any questions that may arise during your application’s review. 

Examining SSI and SSDI Eligibility Requirements 

The Social Security Administration (SSA) manages two distinct programs for people with disabilities: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Each program has specific eligibility criteria that applicants must meet to qualify for benefits. Our professional disability advocates can help determine which program best fits your circumstances and ensure that you apply for all the benefits you may be eligible to receive. 

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) 

SSDI benefits are available to workers who have paid into Social Security through payroll taxes and earn sufficient work credits. Though the number of credits you need depends on how old you were when you became disabled, most people need a minimum of 40 work credits to qualify. The SSA bases your monthly benefit amount on your lifetime earnings record. 

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) 

Unlike SSDI, which determines eligibility on work history, SSI provides disability benefits based on an applicant’s financial need. Applicants must have limited income and resources to qualify for benefits. Federal law determines your monthly benefits, but your state can supplement that amount. 

Maximizing Your Chances for Approval 

Statistics show that the SSA initially denies most SSI and SSDI applications—often due to a lack of medical evidence or mistakes or omissions in the application paperwork. Fortunately, completing your application with a professional significantly increases your chances of approval. Our team can help you avoid common application mistakes and ensure you present the strongest possible evidence of your disability.

Our team can help you gather detailed medical records, obtain supporting statements from your health care providers, and document how your condition prevents you from engaging in substantial gainful activity (SGA). We understand what evidence carries the most weight with disability examiners and how to clearly demonstrate that you meet the SSA’s strict definition of disability. 

Appealing Denied Social Security Disability Claims 

 If the SSA denies your initial SSI or SSI claim, having professional assistance becomes even more valuable. We can help you navigate the Social Security disability appeals process and understand why the SSA denied your claim and what additional evidence might make a difference during your appeal.

Don’t let uncertainty about the disability application process prevent you from seeking the benefits you deserve. Discover how our team can assist you.