Will I lose my SSDI benefits if I accept a job offer? What if I try to go back to work but re-injure myself? Can I go back to school under the Ticket to Work program? Search or browse our frequent questions for more information, or contact us if you are still waiting to see your question answered here.
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What is an Individual Work Plan (IWP)?
What happens to my Medicaid and Medicare If I work?
What types of employment opportunities are available through Ticket to Work?
What is the Extended Period of Eligibility?
What is a Trial Work Period and Grace Period?
What happens to my SSI benefits if I go back to work?
I receive Social Security disability benefits. Do I continue to receive Medicare once I begin working?
How long will my Social Security benefits continue after I start working?
Do I Continue to Receive Benefit Payments From Social Security if I return to Work?